At the ACMN, we know that mentoring is a ministry that enables profound transformation. Over the last few years, Christians Against Poverty (CAP) has come to that realisation as well.
You may already be familiar with the work of CAP. CAP is a charity that started in the UK but has been operating in Australia for over 20 years, well known for the CAP Money Course and church based Debt Centres. As CAP is committed to stewarding the generosity of supporters well, the ministry needed to innovate to ensure that the Church could be inspired and equipped to help more people in financial distress and see the transformation of individuals, communities and the Church as a whole. Through extensive research in the financial hardship sector and by questioning what the Church is uniquely able to offer in that space, a model involving Christian Mentoring was identified as the way forward. CAP reached out to the ACMN and consulted with a number of other mentors to develop a new model – Money Mentoring.
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