Strengths Based Mentoring

In the last few decades, as mentors, we have heard a lot about working with strengths and strengths-based growth and development.  Our ACMN online training seminar this year is going to explore this approach in some depth.  We will reflect together on how key elements of this perspective might inform Christian mentoring.

Strength-based mentoring within a Christian perspective arises from the fundamental conviction that every individual we work with is a unique creation, possessing gifts, abilities and experiences bestowed upon them by God.   

Central to a strengths-based approach, is the recognition that gaining a deep understanding of ‘who’ a mentoree is; their passions, spiritual gifts, aptitudes, and unique calling, and affirming this is a foundational practice within the mentoring relationship. 

Mentors seek, alongside a mentoree, to discern the unique ways in which God has equipped and empowered the person for their own ministry, life and relationships.  Rather than allowing the central focus of the mentoring to be on addressing issues, problems or shortcomings, strengths-based mentoring seeks leverage and adapt a mentoree’s strongest capacities to achieve their goals. Difficulties are not dismissed but neither are they permitted to be the primary focus of a mentoring relationship. 

In addition to individualised support, strength-based mentoring within the Christian context usually emphasises community and services to others.  Mentorees are encouraged to move beyond self-oriented ends and to use their strengths for the sake of God’s kingdom and to contribute to the well-being of others.

Join us on 25th July as we explore this topic together and learn some of the specific mentoring skills and practices which arise from strengths-based mentoring.  

Head HERE for more info!


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